The Studio in 2019

On 15 March we celebrate „Printmakers‘ Day“ for the first time, an effort of the BBK. It is the day traditional printmaking techniques became cultural heritage in 2018. From now every year studios and workplaces will offer all sorts of events ranging from exhibitions to workshops on this particular day. There is an interactive map on the BBK website and …

The Studio in 2017

The heating was the last to be fitted before the break over the Christmas-New Year period, and is now working well in the bindery and in the printroom. In the latter paint still is drying on the walls and on the floor. And on 19 January the first heavy weight is moving in: the KORREX Hannover. Next is the Grafix …

The Studio in 2015

A property is found and in January we start packing, official documents are being worked upon. All of a sudden the other party in this transaction changes their mind, and they do not want to sell their house any longer. Since we have already terminated the lease for our rented flat, we need to improvise. I open up all packed …